How exactly can I help people when I, myself, need help sometimes? I need help to lose the few of the pounds I’ve regained here and there and to also continue my journey of sustained weight loss. I have to admit, it’s hard sometimes being motivating while I, myself, am trying to get motivated. However, there are things that help me stay grounded and focused which I’m going to share with you right now.
First, as cliché as it sounds, I wake up every day and appreciate that I have my health, health far better than what I had at 400 pounds. I no longer have high blood pressure, no longer have the arthritis in my knee and am free from the apnea. I have prolonged my life. I don’t know by how long – but knowing I would have keeled over sooner versus later keeps me firmly planted in the reality that I have to maintain where I am or else I’ll go back to where I was.
Second, no matter what happens, I keep looking and moving forward. I’m always striving to be a healthier man while trying to be a better man. The only way I can do that is to continue eating better and exercising. It’s hard to stay motivated and focused when roadblocks make you stumble, but if I let my health go, then whatever situation caused me to fall wins, and I’m not about to let that happen.
Thirdly, I think about others out there going through the same thing, whose stories might be worse than mine (another thing that grounds me.) There’s safety in our numbers. Some of you may still be in a dark place with food, and that’s OK. You are not alone. Knowing there are others facing the same challenges gives each of us strength, a strength I use all the time to keep myself going while doing my best to “pay it forward.” I offer it freely to anyone who needs it, too. We pass it along to each other – the way it should be.
Lastly, I dare to dream. At one point in my life I dared to dream I could take just 10 pounds off to help my knee, and I did. Then, I dared to dream I’d start fitting into “normal-size” things purchased in “normal-size” stores. And sure enough, I did. You see, there is something to be said about dreaming and not being afraid to take a leap of faith on yourself to begin walking this road. Your dreams and goals will light your way. Again, it may sound cliché but it’s true; if you can dream it you can do it.
Weight loss is a hard road. I had to “bottom out” before I could finally get to the “promised land” of achieved and sustained weight loss, but here I am – and I intend to stay here. Yes, I do get tempted to say “screw it all” and not work on it anymore. But I can’t and won’t because I’m not going back to that dark place ever again. That old Bill is gone forever.
Those are some things that go through my mind as I continue along my weight loss journey and thank you for letting me share them because, in the sharing, I feel motivated to keep going. I hope it helps you, too. Yes, weight loss is easier said than done sometimes, but c’mon, don’t be afraid. You are so not alone. I’ve been where you are and some of you are where I want to be. We’ll just all have help each other get there.
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