The Various Food Product Development Stages

By Liliana Mills

Foods development takes place in a process consisting of several stages. They have to undergo evaluation and testing in such stages to ensure they meet the standards set. The brief is the earliest food product development stage, usually involving finding out the problem to be looked at. A good example is the production of pizza for customers who are health conscious.

Market research is what follows the brief stage. This research means finding out the consumers preferences in certain products. The buying habits of the consumers together with market trends are studied. The study is carried out in form of filling questionnaires, conduction of surveys and phone interviews. Recalling the pizza example, the market research can study if consumers would prefer a low fat pizza.

Design arrangement is the next stage, and it is the first attempt at listing what the products needs. It includes shape, size, weight, shelf life, costs, equipment, ingredients and sensory characteristics such as texture, taste, and appearance. Preliminary ideas are come up with after each design arrangement. They are then short-listed on a basis of screening of concept, where several ideas are selected based on which ones meet every design specifications best.

It is of importance to test qualities of the sense. The test results are analyzed to enable either the improvement or altering of the products. This is called sensory analysis. Afterwards, similar products undergo testing for a specified characteristic the likes of saltiness, the test being referred to as ranking test. Using random code names, testers code the samples and then arrange them on a basis of their saltiness level.

A rating test involves testing products for a particular characteristic to figure out whether two of them have any apparent difference. For example, testers can do a rating test on a new version of low fat products to see if it is the same as the original. In the course of the test, the judges are given a couple of identical samples and a dissimilar one, where they are required to single out the odd one product.

The profile test is the next stage, whereby the products profile is recorded as a diagram that is star-shaped. The judge rates the products features on a scale of five points, five having the highest and one the lowest. Any modification to the design features has to be made prior to the last manufacturing feature is made. For instance, after sensory testing, it may be revealed that the products are too spicy, hence the need for a modification of the ingredients.

All the information that the manufacturer requires to produce a certain products is listed in a manufacturing specification. In the specification, all the stages underwent during production are recorded, together with particulars of the characteristics like size, flavor, shape, and texture that are needed in the final product. Moreover, the specifications list places where the manufacturer can utilize standard components. These are pre-prepared ingredients for making particular products.

When finishing up food product development, the final step involves quality control. The food product is ensured that it meets all the standards through quality assurance. Quality control checks exist at significant stages of production, to alert the manufacturer should an error occur.

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