One of the biggest myths in fitness is that you must do thousands of crunches to define your midsection. Today you'll see how to get a six pack in 3 minutes without a gym or the need for a personal trainer. In fact, you'll use nothing more than a stop watch and your own body weight. We'll also look at some of the most common mistakes people make when training their midsection.
With every personal trainer giving difference advice, while celebrity magazines continue to sell you on the latest training gimmick, it's no surprise that most gym members are a little bit confused.
It's not uncommon for people to take the 'more is better' approach with training their midsection. This results in them pushing through the pain barrier for up to 2000 sit-ups or leg raises every single day in the hope of developing a more defined stomach. The good news is you don't necessarily need to work harder, you just need to work smarter. []
Of course, you may have also heard the expression that abs are built in the kitchen. This is true, so if you want to get maximum results with today's guide you'll need to watch your eating habits and ensure you are following a healthy, balanced diet each day.
The main thing which needs to be cleared up when it comes to exercises is that there's not one definitive move for your midsection. There is no exercise which trumps everything else. The most effective way to develop a strong core and midsection is to combine the best moves for the major areas involved. See below:
1) Lower Stomach - Mountain Climbers.
2) Upper Stomach - Elbow To Knee Crunches.
3) Overall Core - Plank With Feet Elevated.
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to perform thousands of repetitions to see good development in muscular tone. These are small muscles and don't need to be trained extensively. If your exercises are well balanced, such as the ones above, you can turn them into a circuit workout which can be performed anywhere, anytime.
Try performing each exercise for 30 seconds without rest. When you reach the end of the circuit, simply rest for 60 seconds and then go again. If you can do three rounds of this circuit without stopping then this will not only improve the development of your abs, it will also help you to burn lots of unwanted body fat at the same time.
Due to using a high intensity approach, this type of training greatly enhances fat loss benefits because it keeps your heart rate elevated throughout. While you may be focusing on hitting your abdominal muscles, your body is also focusing on burning off as much unwanted fat as it possibly can.
While many people spend years and countless amounts of money trying to find expensive fitness equipment or underground secrets from a personal trainer, you don't really need to. If you'd like to learn how to get a six pack in 3 minutes per day you simply need to get your eating habits in order, exercise regularly and try to keep your abdominal workouts very short but very intense.
With every personal trainer giving difference advice, while celebrity magazines continue to sell you on the latest training gimmick, it's no surprise that most gym members are a little bit confused.
It's not uncommon for people to take the 'more is better' approach with training their midsection. This results in them pushing through the pain barrier for up to 2000 sit-ups or leg raises every single day in the hope of developing a more defined stomach. The good news is you don't necessarily need to work harder, you just need to work smarter. []
Of course, you may have also heard the expression that abs are built in the kitchen. This is true, so if you want to get maximum results with today's guide you'll need to watch your eating habits and ensure you are following a healthy, balanced diet each day.
The main thing which needs to be cleared up when it comes to exercises is that there's not one definitive move for your midsection. There is no exercise which trumps everything else. The most effective way to develop a strong core and midsection is to combine the best moves for the major areas involved. See below:
1) Lower Stomach - Mountain Climbers.
2) Upper Stomach - Elbow To Knee Crunches.
3) Overall Core - Plank With Feet Elevated.
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to perform thousands of repetitions to see good development in muscular tone. These are small muscles and don't need to be trained extensively. If your exercises are well balanced, such as the ones above, you can turn them into a circuit workout which can be performed anywhere, anytime.
Try performing each exercise for 30 seconds without rest. When you reach the end of the circuit, simply rest for 60 seconds and then go again. If you can do three rounds of this circuit without stopping then this will not only improve the development of your abs, it will also help you to burn lots of unwanted body fat at the same time.
Due to using a high intensity approach, this type of training greatly enhances fat loss benefits because it keeps your heart rate elevated throughout. While you may be focusing on hitting your abdominal muscles, your body is also focusing on burning off as much unwanted fat as it possibly can.
While many people spend years and countless amounts of money trying to find expensive fitness equipment or underground secrets from a personal trainer, you don't really need to. If you'd like to learn how to get a six pack in 3 minutes per day you simply need to get your eating habits in order, exercise regularly and try to keep your abdominal workouts very short but very intense.
About the Author:
About the author: Russ Howe PTI is the UK's most in demand personal trainer in 2013. Learn how to get a six pack in 3 minutes with crazy zero equipment circuit workouts you can do anywhere and anytime.
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