Multiple sclerosis is not a new disease, and in fact, is quite well known around the world. It is the result of myelin damage, affecting the brain and spinal cord, and causing numerous symptoms. People can experience loss of coordination, muscle loss, issues with vision, and other problems, although they may also experience a remission from the disease. Below, learn whether it is possible to reverse MS.
As with many diseases, nutrition is a key factor, and multiple sclerosis is not exempt. That means that poor nutrition can be a factor in the development of the disease, as well as its progression. An improvement in the diet can reverse symptoms. When one eats right, the brain and the body receive the proper nutrients, and with multiple sclerosis, brain shrinkage is evident. Therefore, one must feed the mitochondria with omega-3 fats, creatine, and coenzyme Q10.
Additionally, the body requires more vitamin D intake, more sulfur, and iodine. These three can actually help improve one's symptoms. This is the Paleo Diet, which is meant to give the body everything it needs to stay healthy and fight off disease is, while strengthening the immune system. In order to do this, one must bid farewell to the Western diet, known for increasing the risk of developing numerous diseases.
Therefore, it requires an increased intake of vegetables that contains sulfur, bright colored fruits and vegetables that contain numerous anti-oxidants, and lots of greens. The diet also requires an increase in the consumption of wild fish, as well as grass fed meat. Avoid regular meat found in grocery stores, however. Also, add seaweed to the diet, which will provide the body with the necessary selenium and iodine it requires.
But that's not all! It's absolutely necessary to stop eating any processed foods. These are loaded with ingredients that are dangerous and lead to so many illnesses. It's also necessary to stop eating starches, like corn and potatoes. Vitamin D levels should be increased, as most people are vitamin D deficient. Get out in the sun more often, use safe tanning beds, or supplement the diet with oral vitamin D.
More things to avoid include any artificial sweeteners and aspartame, which happens to be found in almost all gum. These are extremely toxic and are believed to cause neurological disorders of a chronic nature. Aspartame simply kills brain neurons. On the other hand, antioxidants feed the brain neurons.
It's obvious that there are serious lifestyle changes that are required to actually reverse the condition. People have to start eating the way people ate in the past, with limited amounts of sugar, removing fructose from the diet, avoiding pasteurized cow's milk, as well as unhealthy packaged fruit juices. Instead, people should eat raw fruits and vegetables to get the most nutrients out of them, but also fermented vegetables which are extremely important to good health.
Finally, in order to reverse MS, checking one's mercury levels is important, and possibly undergoing a mercury detox. It's simply poisonous, and must be completely removed from one's body and one's diet. Large catches a fish should be completely avoided, and any dental work done with mercury must be corrected.
As with many diseases, nutrition is a key factor, and multiple sclerosis is not exempt. That means that poor nutrition can be a factor in the development of the disease, as well as its progression. An improvement in the diet can reverse symptoms. When one eats right, the brain and the body receive the proper nutrients, and with multiple sclerosis, brain shrinkage is evident. Therefore, one must feed the mitochondria with omega-3 fats, creatine, and coenzyme Q10.
Additionally, the body requires more vitamin D intake, more sulfur, and iodine. These three can actually help improve one's symptoms. This is the Paleo Diet, which is meant to give the body everything it needs to stay healthy and fight off disease is, while strengthening the immune system. In order to do this, one must bid farewell to the Western diet, known for increasing the risk of developing numerous diseases.
Therefore, it requires an increased intake of vegetables that contains sulfur, bright colored fruits and vegetables that contain numerous anti-oxidants, and lots of greens. The diet also requires an increase in the consumption of wild fish, as well as grass fed meat. Avoid regular meat found in grocery stores, however. Also, add seaweed to the diet, which will provide the body with the necessary selenium and iodine it requires.
But that's not all! It's absolutely necessary to stop eating any processed foods. These are loaded with ingredients that are dangerous and lead to so many illnesses. It's also necessary to stop eating starches, like corn and potatoes. Vitamin D levels should be increased, as most people are vitamin D deficient. Get out in the sun more often, use safe tanning beds, or supplement the diet with oral vitamin D.
More things to avoid include any artificial sweeteners and aspartame, which happens to be found in almost all gum. These are extremely toxic and are believed to cause neurological disorders of a chronic nature. Aspartame simply kills brain neurons. On the other hand, antioxidants feed the brain neurons.
It's obvious that there are serious lifestyle changes that are required to actually reverse the condition. People have to start eating the way people ate in the past, with limited amounts of sugar, removing fructose from the diet, avoiding pasteurized cow's milk, as well as unhealthy packaged fruit juices. Instead, people should eat raw fruits and vegetables to get the most nutrients out of them, but also fermented vegetables which are extremely important to good health.
Finally, in order to reverse MS, checking one's mercury levels is important, and possibly undergoing a mercury detox. It's simply poisonous, and must be completely removed from one's body and one's diet. Large catches a fish should be completely avoided, and any dental work done with mercury must be corrected.
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