How Spiritual Life Enrichment Is Important

By Iva Cannon

Every person living has a body, mind and spirit. As much as it is important to nourish your body with food, mind with knowledge the spirit ought to be empowered for you to live a holistic life. In this article, we will look at how spiritual life enrichment can affect your life positively. The first step is to accept who you are stop comparing to other people. Many people feel low in the spirit because they are unable to clean their past. You should, therefore, look at each day as a new opportunity to make things right and not to repeat the mistakes you did in the past. None of us is perfect as a result we can always start the day with new energy as we improve our lives.

If we ignore them, we will have stress related situations, and hence we would not have a healthy spirit. We all have unique traits that make us unique and nobody can be completely like us. Most of the people who are depressed in this generation is because they pay a lot of attention to the out things and forget to take care of the inside. Everyone is competing for fame and attention for getting that satisfaction comes from living a peaceful life with others and not fighting for things that God gave for free. We may never be perfect, but we exist in our love and appreciate one another in love.

You must reach a point that you meet your God in the congregation with others. In this way, you will re-energize when you were low. You will also get encouragement from the other members of your faith. You must create a great passion for making others feel the goodness of God in their life.

It is not in Gods plans that we are lonely and bored. That is why He needs us to be in a congregation where we can feel the warm in being in togetherness. Within the congregation, we will be encouraged, and we become stronger and wiser on matters of handling issues around us. It comes with a special feeling that you can never find anywhere else.

Many people in this generation live very selfish lives where they are always busy and have not time to share their time and resources with other people. When you share your time, you will benefit from your talents because you will easily discover what is unique about you. The world was made to share not to grab, but our habits have led us to destroy the universe without considering the next generation.

You also need to study and learn the spiritual basics. You will learn what morals are on matters such as nonviolence, non-greed, stealing, truth and sex. You will always strive to pursue what pleases God and not yourself. Knowledge will renew your mind, and you will live in the beauty of Gods love and grace.

Put an effort is studying the word of God and other books that teach on matters of your faith. You will learn a lot pertaining sex, love, truth, violence and other basics of your faith's foundation. This knowledge is helpful in how you live with others in the society.

Finally, know the spirit accompanies you wherever you go. Gods spirit is your source of energy, and you can always tap into it from any place any time.

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