Are There Side Effects to Drinking Green Smoothies?

By Steve Austin

Many times when we begin doing something beneficial for our body, it will respond completely differently for a while than the way we anticipate it will. Such was the case when I started drinking green smoothie about a year ago. For the first several weeks I was irritable, suffered from headaches, and had bowel issues. I also experienced an initial decrease in my energy levels. I was not a happy camper.

Initially, constipation, bloating, and gas can all manifest when starting to drink smoothies as there tends to be repercussions associated with anything that impacts our body. Your body has craved since day one the newfound nutrition you are now feeding it via green smoothies. Now that it is getting it, your body is beginning to clean itself of all the toxins and sludge that's been accumulating for years, probably decades. The negative side effects experienced during this time are the result of that cleaning out process.

Constipation is many times the result of the intestinal tract beginning to break down and eject sludge that has lined its walls for a very long time. With over 30 feet of digestive tract to clean, there is probably a lot of gunk that needs to be cleaned off. Not only that, but every other organ in your body is beginning their house cleaning process as well. And there are only a few ways to get rid of the accumulated trash - nose, mouth, eyes, skin, or colon. Though there exists many causes for constipation and gas, there is a phrase that is appropriate to pass on - "This too shall pass."

To help move everything through you systems quicker, drink a lot of water, eight 8 Oz servings a day if possible, and get plenty of rest. Very soon, the advantages of the fruit and green smoothie diet will start to yield good effects. Without being too graphic your bowel movements will eventually start to be more frequent (as they should since we eat three meals a day) and be without much effort. The passing of gas may remain for a little while as the body continues to eliminate waste and toxins that have accumulated throughout the body. At some point, every thing will be okay and there won't be any setbacks.

Your body didn't get this way overnight and it won't repair itself overnight either. I understand quite a few of the side effects when beginning to drink fruit smoothies seem kind of annoying. Simply think of it as a housecleaning party and there are surely going to be lots of little messes made and dust kicked during the cleanup. However, in the end (pardon the pun), you'll understand the struggles where all worthwhile once everything start to function better than they have in a long time. It will be worthy of the few months of discomfort.

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